The Importance Of Cooperation
Most of us get into relationships because we believe that it will lead to greater happiness and fulfillment in our lives.
For a lot of us, this is true.
For a lot of us, this is also true, but it seems to come at the cost of a LOT of struggle and sometimes strife.
There must be a better way???
What Is It Like When Things Are Going Well?
Well for one, both partners seem happy.
There seems to be a lot less arguing, and more getting along.
And more getting along, if we examine what is going at a closer level, probably involves a lot more COOPERATION with each other.
There is a reason for such sayings as:
You scratch my back, I scratch yours!
If you think about it, it is a pretty blunt and highly unromantic way of looking at relationships, but it hints at an undeniable element of MUTUALITY.
That there is something in the relationship, in relating together, that will benefit both people involved.
In essence, in our relationships, hopefully what we are creating are these MUTUAL COOPERATION GROUPS. And if we can turn those into consistent MUTUAL ADMIRATION GROUPS, then we have the makings of something special and spectacular, that almost anyone would want to be involved in.
So What’s The Problem?
Why can’t we consistently cooperate, let alone admire each other for the long duration of a romantic relationship?
There are probably a lot of reasons. I’d like to suggest some of them here:
- lack of respect for one another (Major relationship killer!)
- lack of empathy and concern for other
- inability to let go of our agenda and listen to the other
- having to have things OUR way (Big one here!)
- lack of a long term vision for the couple
- too much stress taking away from the quality of the relationship
- losing sight of the importance of the relationship in our lives
- lack of conflict resolution skills
These and possibly several other problem areas can contribute to and erode the level of COOPERATION in your relationships, be they romantic, work, friendship or family.
What can help turn things around might be:
- a willingness to cooperate
- to see things from our partner’s perspective
- let go of our own agenda
- listening! really truly listening
- a feeling of being in it together
- wanting to help our partner achieve their dreams and resolve their problems
- and in turn feeling like our partner has our best interests at heart as well
The benefits of being in a successful long term relationship are many, including enhanced health and well-being, and a greater enjoyment of life.
But getting to that place can be a challenge.
If you are needing help in getting back to that place of COOPERATION in your relationships, I may be able to help you get back to a life that is not just about getting by from day to day, but excelling and truly finding your happy place!
I offer services in PERSON, as well as over the PHONE, and SKYPE for your convenience worldwide.