Listen Until You Feel Understood (LUFU)

Listening and Feeling Validated Quick relationship tip, but one that is so powerful for defusing rapidly escalating arguments and conflicts. Who would have thought that listening could make such a big difference? One of the things that can cause partners to spiral off is when they do not feel properly understood and thus validated in […]

The Power Of Optimism and Hope

The Power Of Optimism And Hope

Why Optimism And Hope Are Important Optimism and hope are key navigational tools that help us get through life and cope with change. Without these two important factors in our life, one could argue that dealing with life’s adversities and challenges could be extremely more difficult. But how about taking a closer look at what […]

Nanaimo Counselling

Nanaimo Counselling Services Now Being Offered! I am very pleased to be able to begin offering counselling services in the Nanaimo area. Recently having moved here from Victoria, I am eager to offer my services to help you get through whatever is ailing you. My areas of expertise range from individual counselling covering a host […]

Communication Tip #2: Taking Turns Talking AND Listening!

 Taking Turns: Talking AND Listening Communication tips may come in many forms and varieties, but one thing is sure: If one person isn’t really listening while the other person is talking, there are bound to be all kinds of miscommunication problems! What does it mean to really listen? Really listening would mean: Paying attention Looking […]

How To Communicate Better With Your Partner

  Conflict Arises What?  You don’t agree with me??? Sometimes knowing how to communicate better with our partners is not something that comes naturally to us. We all have those moments when we don’t agree with our partner, or they don’t agree with us.   But how we handle our differences can make ALL the difference […]

Communication Tips #1 Use “I” Instead Of “You”

If You Want To Have An Argument Or greatly increase your chances of having one, start your sentence off with the word “YOU”! OR you can use these communication tips!  But if you insist on still using “You”… This can be a problem…  Why you might ask? Well for starters, feel what it is like when […]

Why COOPERATION Could Be MORE Important Than LOVE!

Cooperation: More Important Than Love? Could cooperation, be the highest attainment that a couple could strive for in a romantic relationship? In fact, love is often considered almost a synonym for relationship! And I too thought that to attain the state of love was the highest attainment in a couple. I had never considered the ultimate […]

Communication 101: Part 2

What Can Computers Teach Humans About Communication? Communication in a perfect world might look something like this: Humans might take it upon themselves, to borrow from the information transmission system employed by computers. Imagine that the example below mimics the process that two computers would go through to exchange ONE piece of information! Person A feels […]