Use “I” Instead Of “You” But if you insist on still using “You”… This can be a problem… Why you might ask? Well for starters, feel what it is like when someone starts off a sentence with the word “You”. You forgot to take out the garbage. Do we not feel somewhat mildly under […]
Posts with the conflict resolution tag
Cooperation In Relationships
The Importance Of Cooperation Most of us get into relationships because we believe that it will lead to greater happiness and fulfillment in our lives. For a lot of us, this is true. For a lot of us, this is also true, but it seems to come at the cost of a LOT of struggle […]
Perception Is Key!
Perception Is All A professor once said, “perception is all“. How prophetic a statement that was at the time! I didn’t realize the importance of that statement until many years later. You see, the professor in question was a marketing professor, and how true it is that, it is not the truth of what the […]
Communication Tip #2: Taking Turns Talking AND Listening!
Taking Turns: Talking AND Listening Communication tips may come in many forms and varieties, but one thing is sure: If one person isn’t really listening while the other person is talking, there are bound to be all kinds of miscommunication problems! What does it mean to really listen? Really listening would mean: Paying attention Looking […]
How To Communicate Better With Your Partner
Conflict Arises What? You don’t agree with me??? Sometimes knowing how to communicate better with our partners is not something that comes naturally to us. We all have those moments when we don’t agree with our partner, or they don’t agree with us. But how we handle our differences can make ALL the difference […]
Communication Tips #1 Use “I” Instead Of “You”
If You Want To Have An Argument Or greatly increase your chances of having one, start your sentence off with the word “YOU”! OR you can use these communication tips! But if you insist on still using “You”… This can be a problem… Why you might ask? Well for starters, feel what it is like when […]
Anger Management: THE Word That Sets You Off!
Anger Management The Fuse! Is 1/4 of a second long! That may be the difference between maintaining your cool and totally losing it! Research reported on by Daniel Goleman in his landmark book Emotional Intelligence found that it could take as little as 1/4 of a second for the amygdala to trigger a full blown […]
Communication 101: Part 2
What Can Computers Teach Humans About Communication? Communication in a perfect world might look something like this: Humans might take it upon themselves, to borrow from the information transmission system employed by computers. Imagine that the example below mimics the process that two computers would go through to exchange ONE piece of information! Person A feels […]
Communication 101: When A Tree Isn’t What It Seems!?
Is Poor Communication A Problem? On some level, a long term relationship can be equated to one very long conversation between two people. Communication is of the essence. One goes into relationship hoping for the best, but all too often the “conversation” that we experience is fraught with static and disconnection. What happens to our […]