There’s this feeling like we’ve been here before, and yet things are different, and it feels like they could get worse before they get better. I’ve probably gone over the subject of anxiety in a few previous posts but I think it merits a revisit at this point in time. The essential thing about anxiety […]
Posts with the Uncertainty tag
Vulnerability Makes The Difference!
Vulnerability Is Key Quite often in our lives, we may find ourselves stuck, whether it be in our romantic life, at work / business, or in life in general, and yet not realize that a solution is at hand: Vulnerability. But it may not be what we are looking for, so we discard it. We […]
How To Deal With Uncertainty …
Dealing With Uncertainty Uncertainty: No matter which direction we look in these days, there seems to be a great deal of uncertainty. Here are just a sample of some of the issues, and the types of uncertainty that we are facing on a daily basis: A general election (political) Price of oil, our dollar, jobs […]