It’s been a while since I’ve come to this place to write and jot down some ideas. I had thought that I had written everything that I had to share. As it turns out, there’s more, so much more. The Le Guin quote seems to summarize the feeling of myself and possibly a lot of […]
Posts with the optimism tag
Happy New Year’s Counselling?
New Year’s Counselling? The start of the new year brings hope for a fresh start. It is hardly the time that people like to think about, let alone consider counselling! The sad part is, that while each new year does bring fresh hope, unfortunately it also brings with it the same problems that we had […]
The Power Of Optimism And Hope
Why Optimism And Hope Are Important Optimism and hope are key navigational tools that help us get through life and cope with change. Without these two important factors in our life, one could argue that dealing with life’s adversities and challenges could be extremely more difficult. But how about taking a closer look at what […]