Loving What Is: The Work Every once in awhile, a book comes out that is a real watershed moment in terms of helping us to see reality from a different perspective. Byron Katie’s Loving What Is, is just such a book. After a difficult life filled with many problems, among them alcohol abuse, she woke […]
Posts with the change tag
Happy New Year’s Counselling?
New Year’s Counselling? The start of the new year brings hope for a fresh start. It is hardly the time that people like to think about, let alone consider counselling! The sad part is, that while each new year does bring fresh hope, unfortunately it also brings with it the same problems that we had […]
How To Deal With Change…
Dealing With Change How to deal with changeĀ is something that we all deal with in our daily lives. Some of us deal with change better than others. Some people just seem to be able to naturally roll with whatever changes come their way, while others seem highly incapable of dealing with even the smallest changes […]