Life Will Break Your Heart

In Life There Will Be Heartbreak…

Life Will Break Your Heart….

But live it to the fullest anyway.

We all start out fresh, some with a greater head start than others.

But in the end, we all come back to the same place….

Call it Source…

Call it Heaven…

Call it the Point of Origin…

Call it what you will… but it is the place from which we all came from, and the place to which we are all destined to return.

But Along the Way…

There will be heartbreak.

It almost seems as if it is built into this Life.

We are born of mothers and fathers,

And if we are fortunate, we get to be raised by them into adulthood.

Some Are Not So Lucky

Some, many, are not so fortunate.

Some do not get the chance to make it past childbirth.

Some may survive childbirth, only to lose their one and only precious mother in the process.

And some mothers may lose their precious child in childbirth.

To be pregnant with child is not enough.

It is a long way from conception, to delivery, to maturity, and a full life lived.

Some of us may leave this Earth in early childhood,

Some may leave it as pre-teenagers, as full teenagers, or as young adults.

Is there ever a time to lose a child?

Is there ever a time to lose a loved one?

This Life Will Break Your Heart….

But live it anyway!

If we are fortunate, we may grow up, we may be healthy, and we may meet the woman or the man of our dreams,

We may be happy beyond our wildest dreams,

And yet we often find ourselves taking our eyes and hearts off of our Beloveds, and find ourselves drawn in by the busyness of Life, by material concerns, by the possibilities of advancement, by riches, and other distractions…

Only to come back and find the relationship of our dreams in shambles because we didn’t tend to the garden that we were blessed to be given and was ours to take care of.

When our attentions come back to our beautiful blessed garden of relationship after our journeys into the world, we may find but weed covered tracts, where before luscious blossoms bloomed and the sacred scent of love permeated our senses.

To Love And To Have Lost….

Is perhaps one of the greatest heartbreaks that Life visits upon us.

We are as mystified and puzzled by Love’s blissful appearance in our life, and often and as surprised by its sudden disappearance.

How could it happen?

What seemed so strong, so vibrant, so pulsing with life, is no more….

The gardens we tend, those that we keep our patient caring eyes upon, those are the ones that we will reap.

Best to keep one’s eyes on the most important seeds that we have been blessed to reap… the love that we have been blessed to have been visited by….

This Life Will Break Your Heart… 

If we are so blessed, or some may say cursed…

We may come to witness the loss of….

Both of our parents…

Our grandparents…

Some may see their beloved children pass before them…

Some may see their friends leaving this Earth… perhaps all of them…

Beloved pets, those that offered us unconditional love and affection may also leave our lives…. perhaps many…

Some of us may be lucky to experience love….

And we may see ourselves losing our lovers and wonder how we will make it through…

But we can… and if we stick with it, we do… so many others have done so before us and will do so after us…

This Life Is Heartbreak… 

But it is the only one that we have…

So live it fully!

Squeeze ALL of the juice out of it, because if we really stop to think about it, there already has been, and probably will be many losses in our lives.

Why not come face to face with the TRUE nature of this life?

We are all but visitors here for but a short time… why not make our journeys pleasant ones by truly and deeply accepting the impermanence and ever-changing nature of this Life…

And while we are at it… why not make the journey of our fellow travelers that much easier? We are all the same, no matter the colour of our skin, our gender, religious beliefs, professions, or even experiences…

To ease the burden of another fellow traveler, or to be a vehicle of light in a sea of suffering, what better cause could one espouse?

This Life Will Break Our Hearts…

But perhaps it is trying to break them wide open…

So that we can truly see what is of vital importance…

When it is time to leave this place, it will be far too late to redo any of it.

What if we were to do it right, starting now?

What a difference that might make!

What if we could be there for one another?

And then when Life visited us with its inevitable transitions and surprises, perhaps then we could all carry and share the burden of Life’s beautiful heartbreak…

Daring To Open Fully To Life?

This Life is trying to break all our hearts wide open…

We can either open up to the mystery and brief beauty of life, or we can close down.

That may be our ultimate choice in the end…

Do we….   Open up to Life… or…. Do we shut down?

It is for each of us to decide.

Perhaps in the end, the pain we feel is our unwillingness to open fully to Life?

To be as big and as wide open as Life…. perhaps that is the key?

Either way we are in this Life… it is up to each and every one of us to decide how much we will not only get out of it, but also how much are going to GIVE to it!



* I dedicate these words to my father who now resides beyond this Life. He didn’t need words to show what Life meant to him. I treasure his example and the path that he tried to lay before me.

Happy 79th Birthday Dad!

I love you and miss you!


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About Ron Lafleur

I am a counsellor in private practice specializing in couples therapy.

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