Communication Tip # 3: Being Interested!

Communication Enhancer: Be Authentically Interested One sure way to improve communication, and to ensure the right amount of energy, is to actually be authentically interested in what the other person has to say. This may sound logical, or even unnecessary to say, but in a world where we routinely greet each other by asking? Hello, […]

Communication Tip #2: Taking Turns Talking AND Listening!

 Taking Turns: Talking AND Listening Communication tips may come in many forms and varieties, but one thing is sure: If one person isn’t really listening while the other person is talking, there are bound to be all kinds of miscommunication problems! What does it mean to really listen? Really listening would mean: Paying attention Looking […]

Communication Tips #1 Use “I” Instead Of “You”

If You Want To Have An Argument Or greatly increase your chances of having one, start your sentence off with the word “YOU”! OR you can use these communication tips!  But if you insist on still using “You”… This can be a problem…  Why you might ask? Well for starters, feel what it is like when […]