Taking Turns: Talking AND Listening Communication tips may come in many forms and varieties, but one thing is sure: If one person isn’t really listening while the other person is talking, there are bound to be all kinds of miscommunication problems! What does it mean to really listen? Really listening would mean: Paying attention Looking […]
Posts with the communication skills tag
Communication 101: Part 2
What Can Computers Teach Humans About Communication? Communication in a perfect world might look something like this: Humans might take it upon themselves, to borrow from the information transmission system employed by computers. Imagine that the example below mimics the process that two computers would go through to exchange ONE piece of information! Person A feels […]
Communication 101: When A Tree Isn’t What It Seems!?
Is Poor Communication A Problem? On some level, a long term relationship can be equated to one very long conversation between two people. Communication is of the essence. One goes into relationship hoping for the best, but all too often the “conversation” that we experience is fraught with static and disconnection. What happens to our […]